A possum and a PhD
Kalinda Griffiths
Kalinda Griffiths is no stranger to battles. She has battled against wildlife, battled for her own life, and battled for the life of those in need. The deadly curveballs life have thrown this mother-of-two has taken her on a journey which has challenged her as a mum, a human and an Indigenous health researcher, but some people just never give up.
Kalinda is a Yawuru woman who was born in Darwin. Growing up she spent her time in the Territory and on the Sunshine Coast. She has two super children who are seven and eleven years old. In her working life, Kalinda is an epidemiologist for the University of Sydney and Menzies School of Health Research and has worked in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research for almost 20 years.
This story was told at Darwin Entertainment Festival on 21 May 2016 for Garrmalang Festival.